Tele - ICU Revolutionizing Critical Care

Telemedicine has become an integral part of the healthcare system, and tele-ICU is a branch of telemedicine that has gained immense popularity in recent times. Tele-ICU or Telemedicine Intensive Care Unit is a critical care solution that connects intensivists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare providers with critically ill patients in remote locations. The aim of Tele-ICU is to provide continuous monitoring and support to critically ill patients in hospitals that lack the necessary resources or staff to provide 24/7 care.

Tele-ICU employs the use of advanced technology, including video conferencing, remote monitoring, and electronic medical records to ensure that critically ill patients receive the best possible care, regardless of their location. Through tele-ICU, remote clinicians can monitor and communicate with patients, provide medical recommendations, and assist with complex procedures.

Tele-ICU has been proven to improve patient outcomes, decrease the length of hospital stays, and reduce healthcare costs. Tele-ICU has been particularly effective in providing critical care to patients in rural areas, where access to specialized care may be limited. It has also been instrumental in supporting overwhelmed healthcare systems during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

At Ceiba, we found that 24/7 gap coverage in tele-critical care, tele-neurology and tele-psychiatry requires a unique and diverse set of needs not well served by the first generation of telehealth solutions, that is, remote doctors using basic audio/video.  

But we also heard that complex technology integrations for many organizations are simply too costly and requires far too much complexity relative to hardware implementation, data integration and disruption to current workflow.  Customers simply wanted synergy with existing workflow for rapid and effective remote clinical services.

The Ceiba Advantage...
- Synergized with current workflows via an intuitive andsimple to use interface maximizing care coordination and quality of care
- Remote automated acuity scoring to improve response times by smartly prioritizing the right patients driving down mortality rates
- Matches consult requests with smart routing algorithms enabling faster than industry response times
- Intuitive bedside integrated workflows
- Real time on demand quality and outcome measurement via reporting and analytics dashboards making it easy for clinical ops to maximize efficiencies and care quality, track your outcomes and improve metrics
- web based device agnostic continuous monitoring and decision support from any smartphone, tablet or pc

Our role and goal is to make your bedside clinicians' jobs more efficient, value-driven and streamlined.

Talk with a core team member today.